The Man
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This rather ancient photo of Raymond Wolfe is undated, but was probably taken while still living and working in Iowa.
A photo taken of Ray while in Chicago in 1949. If we all didn't know better, we'd probably all be saying, "mafia!"
Showing off his new suit at his home in Waseca (I suspect this is in the winter -- but in Minnesota, the snow doesn't necessarily mean it's December!).
Another undated photo of the man behind Vita-Ray, Ray-Vitam, and Wolfe Enterprises.
While still working under the company name of "Ray-Vitam Products Co.," Ray stands here with cases of his "Vita-Ray 400 D" vitamin supplement, ready to be shipped to customers.
Raymond with his sons, Larry (the small one) and Norm (the bigger one). We suspect he had hopes that one of these two boys would take over the business in later years; neither did. And his daughter, Esther, managed to avoid the discussion completely.
Christmas at the Wolfe house in Waseca. If you ever had to guess what would make a good Christmas gift for Raymond, then you didn't know Raymond.
Raymond in March 1975. Of all photos taken of him, this is probably the picture he personally liked the most. Age and poor health (emphysema after decades of smoking) had taken their toll on him.
And "behind every successful man".... In Raymond's case, it was his bride, Beulah. Here, she's dressed in her Sunday Best -- or was it for Eastern Star?
Ray shown here with his daughter, Esther Marie, and wife, Beulah, in their Waseca home. I suspect this was in the mid-1960s. This was a great time in Ray's life -- he still had his favorite gray sweater; the one with the worn spots and moth holes throughout!